The Value of Persons

As I read Pope Francis’ “The Joy of the Gospel” for the third or fourth time, I continue to discover sections that seem new to me. What I mean is that they strike me in a new way or say something that I appreciate in a new way.

Muslims Condemn Atrocities Of Islamic State Terrorists

Contrary to what is being reported in the secular press, Muslims worldwide have been speaking out to protest atrocities in the Middle East as well as the ideology of the Islamic State, according to a leading Catholic interreligious leader.

Vacation Bible Camp At Blessed Sacrament

Blessed Sacrament Church, Cypress Hills, was piping with the joy and enthusiasm of 82 children for a two-week Summer Vacation Bible Camp in July.

Pope Francis and Theology

Sixth in a series

One of the unfortunate occurrences of the last 30 years is that a growing distance seems to have grown between some Catholic theologians and some members of the Catholic hierarchy.

Doing the Right Thing –  Easy to Say, Hard to Do

Robert Bolt, author of the famous play, “A Man for All Seasons,” about the life and legacy of Thomas More, was a fascinating individual. As much as Thomas More is the hero of the piece and is clearly a saintly character, the play’s author was himself not a believer.

Consecrated Host Returned; ‘Black Mass’ Still Planned

OKLAHOMA CITY (CNS) – A stolen consecrated host that was at the center of a lawsuit filed by Archbishop Paul S. Coakley and intended for use at a planned Satanic “black mass” in Oklahoma City has been returned.

St. Louis Archbishop’s Steps to Dismantle Systemic Racism

ST. LOUIS (CNS) – With the strife and violence in the aftermath of Michael Brown’s shooting death by a police officer in Ferguson, more than 500 St. Louis Catholics gathered for a votive Mass for peace and justice Aug. 20 at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis.

Making People Aware

This week, we as a world community witnessed an act of pure, unadulterated evil in the beheading of journalist James Foley by militants of the Islamic State (IS).

Our Bridge and Rock

Living and studying in Rome, I rarely check my American cellphone. I keep it charged and on my desk just in case there’s an emergency and someone at home needs to contact me. So when I get a text or a call, I nearly fall off my chair!

A Film Apostolate

At this time of year various parish programs are being evaluated and decisions are being made to improve them.