Muslims Will Welcome Papal Visit to Albania

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis’ choice of Albania as the destination of his first international trip in Europe reflects his trademark pastoral approach: Head to the peripheries, bring healing to the suffering.

Pope Says That All Wars Can Be Avoided

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – War is just “senseless slaughter” and should never be seen as inevitable or a done deal, Pope Francis said.

Peres: Only Pope Can End Modern Warfare

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Former Israeli President Shimon Peres asked Pope Francis to head a parallel U.N. called the “United Religions” to counter religious extremism in the world today.

Cause of Bishop Sheen’s Sainthood Put on Hold

WASHINGTON (CNS) – The canonization cause of Archbishop Fulton Sheen has been suspended indefinitely, according to a statement issued Sept. 3 by the Diocese of Peoria, Ill., where the archbishop was born.

Patriarchs: End ISIS Terrorism

BEIRUT (CNS) – Catholic and Orthodox patriarchs of the Middle East denounced attacks on Christians and called upon the international community to work toward eradicating terrorist groups.

Diocese Opens Pastoral Year at ‘New’ Holy Name

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio called for more dialogue with diocesan employees as he celebrated Mass Sept. 4 that opened the pastoral year. It was held at the newly renovated Holy Name of Jesus Church in Park Slope, just two blocks from the Chancery Office.

Never Forget!

There are days that will be remembered, detail for detail, in our minds. And for many of us, Sept. 11, 2001 is undoubtedly one of those days. We, as a nation and as a world, saw the worst in humanity.

Fraternal Correction Is an Act of Love

People should talk to each other. When two persons are in conflict, they should try to resolve the situation among themselves. Only if they cannot come to an agreement should others be brought into the conversation.