Youth Views: Divine Mercy

In honor of Divine Mercy Sunday, reflect on these words that Jesus spoke to St. Faustina as are recorded in her diary.

“The loss of each soul plunges Me into mortal sadness. You always console Me when you pray for sinners. The prayer most pleasing to Me is prayer for the conversion of sinners. Know, My daughter, that this prayer is always heard and answered.”

Divine Mercy Moves Us From Fear to Fire

THE GREAT 50 DAYS of Easter fill our reflections and our prayers with the movement from fear to fire. A new fire burns in the hearts of Jesus’ disciples as they recognize Him as the Risen Messiah, the Son of God.

More Wonderful Homilists

Dear Editor: We are blessed at St. Patrick’s, Bay Ridge. All of our priests are great, but Msgr. Michael Hardiman and the newly ordained young priest Father Greg McIlhenney give wonderful sermons. A joy to listen to them.

Mislabelling Republicans

Dear Editor: Richard D’Orta’s letter (March 7) bases itself off of crudely drawn and purely stereotypical notions regarding the Republican Party, such as the “let’s make war not peace” party and the “let the poor and less fortunate fend for themselves because I want to keep my money” party. In response, I will not provide stereotypes of the Democrat Party, for stereotypes won’t suffice — the stances of both parties on most issues are complex and intricately intertwining.

Cultural Practice

Dear Editor: It is always sad to encounter the solutions to human problems proposed by confused Catholics, short-sighted about lasting damage. Arguing for tolerance of polygamy, Frances Schafer (Jan. 24) diminished the Gospel of Our Lord by claiming that it has an “understanding” that affirms her misunderstanding that the admonition that the law is made for man, not man for the law, means that moral truth is not binding.

Benefit of Earth’s Riches

Dear Editor: The completion of the Keystone Pipeline is necessary not only for economics but national security as well. Jobs will be created not only on the construction side, but as the price of fuel is kept lower, middle-class citizens can keep, spend and invest savings in other fields boosting the economy as a whole which will put people to work.

Recognizing Evil

This coming Sunday, April 12, on the feast of the Divine Mercy, Pope Francis, is scheduled to preside at an Armenian Catholic rite Divine Liturgy at St. Peter’s. The main reason why he is choosing to celebrate this Armenian liturgy on this day is to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the massacre of Armenians by the Turkish Ottoman Empire, a Sunni Islamic state, in 1915.

Taking Flight With the Patron of Studying

I am from Sacred Heart parish in East Glendale, and I have had the pleasure of working in Sacred Heart Rectory for the past 20 years, since I was 13 years old. My pastor Father John Fullum suggested that I contact the editor of The Tablet, so here I am.

New Life

2015, to date, has been a difficult and violent year for the world, to say the least. Perhaps more than ever, we need the realization, in the midst of all the tragedy that surrounds us, that the battle is already won — Christ is the victor over sin and death. A simple little Easter story can remind us of this.

Rejoice in the Resurrection

We, Easter people, witness that we are saved and redeemed by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the services, rituals and Eucharists of just this week alone, we find that meaning reinforced and dramatized.