Letters to the Editor

Mislabelling Republicans

Dear Editor: Richard D’Orta’s letter (March 7) bases itself off of crudely drawn and purely stereotypical notions regarding the Republican Party, such as the “let’s make war not peace” party and the “let the poor and less fortunate fend for themselves because I want to keep my money” party. In response, I will not provide stereotypes of the Democrat Party, for stereotypes won’t suffice — the stances of both parties on most issues are complex and intricately intertwining.

I will simply pose questions: Has the mass expansion of ISIS in the Middle East been due to our military incompetency or due to the recent years of inaction and hesitation regarding America’s approach to inhibiting the global spread of terrorism? Haven’t we learned that terrorist groups are wholly uncompromising and bent on the one purpose of creating fear through destruction? Are we the ones recklessly creating wars or is our purpose for action ultimately the pursuit of justice in the dark face of inhumanity, such as Islamic terrorists recently beheading 21 Christians and abducting more than 220 Assyrian Christians?

In light of this, what is peace? To me, it is not a simplistic and unrealistic Utopian ideal.

Dyker Heights