Winning NewsHive

Winning the competition at St. Joseph’s College was a great experience for me because it opened my eyes to the impact of environmental injustice and the effect it has on people.

Special Treatment for Religious

Dear Editor: Thank you for the good job you and your staff did in the special religious jubilees section of The Tablet. BROTHER CAMPION LALLY, O.S.F. Bay Ridge

Meaning of Encyclical

Dear Editor: As we know, an encyclical is one the highest forms of teaching from the pope. I was quite disappointed by your editorial (“Impacting the World,” June 27): watering down the extensive content of the message to a “care for each other,” which is the core message but without mentioning any local commitment to […]

Labor Vs. Students

Dear Editor: This is my reaction to Richard Trumka’s Up Front and Personal column (June 20) as to why the labor movement is against school vouchers.

Msgr. Ryan

Dear Editor: The recent death of Msgr. James Ryan filled me with an overflowing feeling of satisfaction at how he had lived his priesthood with profound kindness, gentleness and charitable love for everyone. Msgr. Ryan’s natural kindness was his most admired trait.

No Supreme Justice

Dear Editor: If the U.S. Supreme Court had not interfered with true democracy, the citizens of the USA could have continued to democratically vote for or against same-sex marriage. Instead, a majority of one dictator ordered all Americans to accept their anti-scientific belief system. It does take a man and a woman to have a child; just as it takes a woman and a man to make a marriage.

Lifeless Conversation

The comments from Dr. Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood concerning the obtaining of fetal tissue from abortions have served as a wake-up call to many Americans. Abortion is murder, period. It is a horrific act that harms both mother and child, as well as the father of the child and society in general. The casual […]

Goal Setting Puts Dreams into Context

LIKE MILLIONS OF others, I cheered as American Pharoah, with jockey Victor Espinoza aboard, raced to the finish line at Belmont Park and became the first Triple Crown winner in 37 years. American Pharoah is an amazing horse who provided an amazing time in the horse racing world.