We Must Believe

JUST THIS PAST spring, I had the great joy of celebrating Mass for our First Holy Communion children at St. Peter Claver Church. I could see the excitement and joy on their faces as they prepared to receive Jesus for the first time in the Most Holy Eucharist. It was equally a great joy for […]

Get in the Driver’s Seat of Life

ONCE UPON A time, I thought road trips were boring. Sitting in the back seat, bored to tears with the books I’d brought and the sounds of my brother’s video games, I’d zone out, daydream and wait for the ride to be over. Boredom on the road ended abruptly when I got my license. When you’re driving, you have to pay attention to everything. There’s no room for error. You’re behind the wheel of a killing machine, and so is everyone else.

Bishop of the Media

Last Tuesday, Pope Francis appointed Father Robert Barron, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago as one of the new auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This, in many ways, is a recognition by the pope, of the unique ministry of Father Barron.

He’ll Talk About Jesus

Prior to the ordination liturgy of our two new auxiliary bishops, Cardinal Timothy Dolan was asked by one of our stalwart producers from NET-TV what he thought Pope Francis would be speaking about during his visit to the U.S. in September. The cardinal simply replied with one word: “Jesus.”

Bishop Catanello’s Presence

Dear Editor: In reference to the recent listing of past auxiliary bishops (July 18), I wish to make mention of the late Bishop Ignatius Catanello’s comforting presence and spiritual enlightenment as he visited first responders at the NYC Medical Examiners Office after 9/11. He offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass under a tent, set up outside. His presence was most comforting as he reached out to comfort first responders deployed to a most challenging, but necessary assignment.

The Amazing Msgr. Feldhaus!

Dear Editor: Thank you for your extensive coverage (July 18) of the 95th birthday of Msgr. Eugene Feldhaus. I was touched by the family inviting a few of his former students to the small party. If they had ever tried inviting all of his former students, they would have had to rent the Barclay Center to hold all of those who would have come from across the country to pay tribute to this amazing and, yes, really tough college English teacher and true model priest for us all… and by the way a great handball coach who led Cathedral to a number of city championships and a pretty good tennis player as well, who put up with my dad as they tried to beat me and a fellow seminarian several times!

Leave Trump Alone!

Dear Editor: Regarding the July 18th Tablet editorial. Seriously? Donald Trump should be congratulated for making the topic of illegal immigration open for discussion. The word here that so many people choose not to recognize is “illegal.” The media and now The Tablet is making it sound as though he accused all Mexicans of being thieves and rapists. He did not. Trump was making a strong point that when the border is not secure, criminals will also be let into the country.

YV: “What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.”

Reflect on the following: “What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.”  — Mother Teresa of Calcutta Alexa Malerba, sophomore Fontbonne Hall Academy My family means so much to me; they are my world. By loving my family, I can help to spread positivity and peace that they will, […]

Ordination for Two New Auxiliary Bishops

Two diocesan priests with years of institutional and pastoral experience were ordained auxiliary bishops to serve Brooklyn and Queens at St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral, Prospect Heights, July 20. It was the first episcopal ordination held at the site.