Spotlight on Elderlaw: “Aging in Place”

While much of the legal planning we discuss has to do with protecting assets in the event nursing home care is required either temporarily or permanently during one’s life, nursing home placement is a last resort, and care can usually be provided in the home setting for most people until the end of life, or close to the end of life.

Discreet New Hearing Aids

Wife says: “Honey, look at the beautiful moon.” Husband hears: “I’d love to have a prune!”

‘Where Life Continues’

Calvary is the nation’s only fully accredited acute-care specialty hospital devoted to providing palliative care to adult patients – from all faith traditions – with advanced cancer and other life-limiting illnesses.

Catholic Charities

Catholic Cemeteries provides families with a sacred and permanent caring place for the cremated body of a loved one.