Remember the Persecuted

This past week, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, once again drew attention to the fate of persecuted Christians in the Middle East. In a letter to Archbishop Maroun Lahham, the pontiff wrote that these suffering Christians “are the martyrs of today, humiliated and discriminated against because of their fidelity to the Gospel.” He went on to state that these believers are victims of “fanaticism and intolerance” throughout the world.

Another Cathedralite Reports

Dear Editor: I went to Cathedral Prep in Brooklyn – Class of 1964. I moved to Albany, N.Y., in 1982 and lost track of everyone.

Redistribute Vatican Wealth

Dear Editor: It has been widely reported that the Pope considers the purposeful acquisition of substantial wealth to be “the dung of the devil.”

Great Biology Teacher at SJU

Dear Editor: Dr. Alfred V. Liberti, (1916-2014), founder, professor and chairperson of the Biology Department at St. John’s University, was an excellent teacher and administrator, as well as a warm mentor and person.

Francis, Just in Time

Dear Editor: Re: Insider’s Look at Francis’ Vision. Father Robert Lauder in The Tablet (July 18) rightly wrote that sex abuse scandals caused serious damage and demoralization. Consequently, the Church moaned in uncertainty and lack of confidence as its missionary vitality languished. The consumerist secular world seized advantage to marginalize us as we spiraled toward irrelevancy.

Planned Parenthood Exposed

Dear Editor: What Planned Parenthood has been doing for years undetected by the major media has just been exposed by a small pro-life media sting operation. More insidious is the anti-life Planned Parenthood curriculum taught to Catholic students in our public schools, a continuing violation of the separation of church and state.

Integral Ecology

The news last week concerning the killing of Cecil the lion by U.S. citizen Walter Palmer is troubling and tragic to say the least. And yes, we can join our voices to the obvious inconsistency that more people are outraged by the murder of an animal than by the slaughter of the innocent unborn in the womb, by the horrors of human trafficking and sexual slavery, by the abuse of children and elderly, by massive homelessness and poverty – locally, nationally and internationally – and by the myriad of other problems running rampant in our fallen world today.

Boomers and Beyond

  The Tablet is pleased to present this guide to Baby Boomers in partnership with local providers of health care, travel and leisure, legal and financial services. We hope this guide helps your planning for a healthy, prosperous future. Catholic Charities ArchCare Calvary Hospital Nannys for Granies Manhattan Ave Hearing Aids, Inc. Brady and Marshak, […]