Save Your Marriage

A study was conducted and reported in several media outlets that fighting with one’s spouse can cause one to grow in obesity. If nothing else can prevent married couples from seriously arguing, then perhaps the threat of gaining weight can loom large in minds as a preventative measure.

Unsung Religious Brothers

With the announcement of the Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis (which will begin Dec. 8), it’s easy to forget that another specially dedicated year is still going on, namely the Year of Consecrated Life (which began Nov. 29, 2014).

Late Show Preview

GQ, in its Aug. 17, edition, published an interview by Joel Lovell with comedian Stephen Colbert, the new host of The Late Show on CBS. Surprisingly, this article was more than simply publicity for Colbert’s new series, but a good insight into someone in the entertainment field who is a person of faith. A practicing Catholic, Colbert goes into depth about his own personal faith.

Always the Dean to Students

Dear Editor: It brings me tremendous sadness to learn of the passing of my mentor, friend and confidant, also long-time Tablet sports columnist, Bernie Beglane. I think that’s the first time I ever referred to him as anything other than Dean. He was always my dean and I was forever his pupil.

More Prayers for Studies

Dear Editor: In April, I read in The Tablet an article by Farrah Connell about the patron saint of studying, St. Joseph of Cupertino. I told my grandson, Michael, about this saint’s life and how he helps those who pray to him. We prayed to St. Joseph of Cupertino for three months every night to help him pass his biology and algebra Regents.

Making It as an Immigrant

Dear Editor: This is in response with respect to Rev. Stephen P. Morris (“Asking the Jesus Questions,” Aug. 15). If you look up the history of our country, we’ve never allowed everyone into our country. I am sure if you look back at your own families, you would know how they came. They didn’t just cross a border.

When News Is News

Dear Editor: Just read your latest “Editor’s Space” (Aug. 22) in which you noted the sparse news coverage given to the message of the recent K. of C. Supreme Meeting and Convention in Philadelphia (Aug. 4-6). Well done and thank you.

Patron for Passing Exams

Dear Editor: I want to thank Farrah Connell (Up Front and Personal, April 11) for giving me the prayer to St. Joseph of Cupertino…the saint whose intercession can help one pass an exam. I prayed to him for my son who was taking a very long grueling test, and thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino and thank you, Farrah because he did very well on this test.

Is Doomsday Near?

Dear Editor: If the three letters of Aug. 1 (Readers’ Forum) enthusiastically supporting Donald Trump reflect the view of a significant proportion of the American electorate, I can only say with Hamlet, “Then is doomsday near.”

Holy Day – Obligation or Not

Dear Editor: I find it very irritating when I come across what used to always be a holy day of obligation (the Assumption of our Blessed Mother) reduced to an ordinary day simply because it falls on a Saturday. God forbid one should have to go to Mass two days in a row. This causes much confusion to the faithful because it is inconsistent.