
Unsung Religious Brothers

With the announcement of the Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis (which will begin Dec. 8), it’s easy to forget that another specially dedicated year is still going on, namely the Year of Consecrated Life (which began Nov. 29, 2014).

Perhaps we can remember the great service and example which is given to the Church and the world through the lives of those on consecrated life – religious sisters and brothers, monks and nuns, consecrated virgins, as well as the other many and varied forms of consecrated life that exist in the Church.

In a special way, let’s take some time to thank God for the work that is done by someone who is, unfortunately, one of the rarest commodities in the Church today, the religious brother.

So many young people have been educated – in the classroom, the sports field and in the Church – through the loving guidance of religious brothers. Xaverian, Franciscans, Marists, Marianists, Christian Brothers (both Irish and De La Salle) and the list goes on and on.

These men have lived their vows of poverty by making the Lord’s goodness their sole possession, the vows of chastity by loving all people as Christ and the vows of obedience, being open to the unfolding plan of God in their lives.

What are your favorite memories of the religious brothers who have ministered to you over the years? Who are the brothers who have inspired you to become better Catholics, better men and women? Let us know!