The Business of Christmas

Dear Editor: The Tablet’s editorial (“Grinch of Starbucks,” Nov. 14) concerning Starbucks’ decision to dispense with anything suggesting Christmas on coffee cups should not interfere with our decision to celebrate Christmas Day.

Out of Africa

Pope Francis’ trip to the African continent is a reminder that the Church is alive and vibrant around the world. This is witnessed in the wonderful reception that our Holy Father has received in his Apostolic Visit.

Get Ready

Like the two-faced Roman god Janus, this end of our Catholic year and the beginning of the new one causes us to look in two directions, backward and forward, in retrospection and in anticipation.
In light of this, and in light of the recently concluded feast of Thanksgiving and the beginning of the season of Advent, there are three things for us to consider: first, be aware of the gifts received this year; second, take care of those gifts; and third, share those gifts.

Light in the Darkness

The past two weeks reminded us that the world is a very scary place. The bloodshed caused by ISIS in Paris and the continuing real threat of terrorism in Belgium, Italy and yes, even in the U.S., should remind us, as we are urged in our liturgical readings with the start of a new liturgical year, that the world is passing away. This old world is groaning under the weight of human sinfulness; it is screaming out for a savior, for one to come along and take away the pain, the uncertainty.

Youth’s Use of Media

A NEW STUDY ON MEDIA usage by children, ages 8-18, shows that teenagers, ages 13-18, use entertainment media an average of nearly nine hours a day. And “tweens,” children ages 8-12, use close to six hours a day on average. This includes screen time, listening to music and reading print outside of class requirements. This excludes time used with media for school or homework purposes.

Mr. Cruz Goes to Washington

Dear Editor: I like a lot of what Senator Ted Cruz has been saying and doing lately. I’m reminded of Frank Capra’s film, “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington” when Ted Cruz comes to mind.

Keep the Holy Days

Dear Editor: I agree with Patricia Giangrande (Aug. 22) about the holy day of the Assumption. What difference does it make that because it falls on a Saturday, it is not a holy day of obligation? Can it be so difficult to attend Mass on a Saturday in her honor?

Improving the Beauty of Liturgy

Dear Editor: The retired Pope Benedict XVI recently gave a speech on the continuance of sacred music. He said that music would always reveal “beauty.” I refer this to the music in the Catholic Church, having served as a choir master in a parish. There will be “beautiful music” in the Catholic Church if the congregation wants it! Notice, I used the word “congregation.”

Dancing With David

Dear Editor: Three cheers for the actress Alexa Pena Vega in selecting the biblical figure David as a hero of hers for an episode of ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars.”

Columnist’s Opinion

Dear Editor: I was disappointed in Effie Caldarola’s column (Oct. 24) “Seeing ‘the Other’ in the Year of Mercy.” I always enjoy reading her essays that are syndicated by Catholic News Service. However, I expect her to be politically neutral.