Need to Hear from Muslims

Dear Editor: Once again Donald Trump is receiving flack over his recent comments about Muslims entering this country until federal authorities know what’s going on, perhaps with their insidious motives.

Our System Is Overwhelmed

Dear Editor: I am an Eastern Rite Catholic, retired senior citizen, 80 years young who contributes to a number of charities each year, yet one who vehemently objects to a Syrian resettlement within the United States of America.

No to Women in Combat

Dear Editor: Destruction of women is done in China before they are born and now it will happen here with women in U.S. combat units. Will chivalry come back; male officers saying, “Oh, no you go first.”

The Pill Is the Problem

Dear Editor: The most traumatic event of the 20th century was not the Second World War or the dropping of the atomic bomb. It was the birth control pill!

A Bridge to Life

Dear Editor: I enjoyed reading Father Christopher Heanue’s story (Dec. 12) about the newborn found in Holy Child Jesus Church. I especially enjoyed the three themes for evangelization.

‘Here Comes Everybody’

Our faith is more than just our own personal business; it’s more than just our own parish; it’s more than just our local dioceses; it’s more than even the national church in our country. We are part of a Church that bears the four marks of the Church – one, holy, catholic and apostolic. We are founded by Christ, on the rock that is Peter and the Apostles.

Wrong Path to Safety

In the midst of a very scary and uncertain time, Church leaders are boldly trying to set the record straight on important issues facing American citizens. In a letter to his clergy, the Archbishop Allen Vigneron of Detroit, Mich., called for caution in the public debate concerning banning the immigration of Muslims into the United States based on their religion. At the Second Vatican Council, the Council Fathers taught that the Catholic Church treats with respect those who practice the religion of Islam.

End the Violence

We are still reeling from the vicious attack in San Bernardino, Calif., on Dec. 2. This terrorist-inspired attack at the Inland Regional Center, a state-run facility for developmentally disabled people, was perpetrated by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik.

The Best Christmas Gifts I Ever Received

“If I knew things would no longer be, I would have tried to remember better.” That’s a line from the 1990 movie “Avalon,” which comes to mind every Christmas season because it’s a time of year that prompts me to reflect on the past and the best gift I ever received.