Instant Communication

On Good Friday, the world was awaiting a crucifixion. Father Tom Uzhunnalil, a Salesian priest working with the martyred Missionaries of Charity in Yemen, was kidnapped on March 4. Suspected to be the work of Islamic terrorists, no one has claimed responsibility for last month’s attack in which gunmen killed four Indian nuns, two Yemeni female staff members, eight elderly residents and a guard.

A Story About Kindness

Dear Editor: Thank you for including the story about Mr. Sullivan’s heartwarming encounter (March 19) with a kind Muslim taxi driver. I’d love to be able to read more stories about acts of kindness from people of all walks of life.

Weigel Unfair to Trump

Dear Editor: George Weigel’s column (March 12) “Resisting the Demagogue” adds to the frenzy of media slander of Donald Trump, largely orchestrated and financed by the internationalist monied elite. They fear Mr. Trump because they haven’t been able to buy him out like the rest of the establishment politicians.

Disrespect for Bishops

Dear Editor: In mid-March, NET-TV (Currents) reported that NY Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie refused to meet with Catholic bishops. Does this surprise anyone including the acquiescence of the bishops? One does not criticize a black Democrat if his policies are at variance with the teachings or interests of the Catholic Church. There are few Cardinal Spellmans who took on Mrs. Roosevelt or Patrick Scanlan who took on everyone who attacked the Church.

Polarization of Politics

Dear Editor: Reading recent letters to The Tablet, I noted the tendency to separate Catholics into two political categories, conservative or liberal. I suggest that this division is not appropriate since many Catholics simultaneously share both conservative and liberal ideas.

Protecting the Innocent

On Holy Thursday, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, a Republican, signed a bill that bans abortions motivated by fetal genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome. The bill also prohibits abortions motivated by the race or gender of the fetus. It also mandates that the only way to dispose of an aborted fetus is through burial or […]

Weekend of Mercy

The Lord’s gift to us is His peace. It is part and parcel of the very nature of God as the Divine Mercy. This weekend, we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday as we conclude the Easter Octave. Mercy has become quite the catchphrase in this Jubilee Year of Mercy. What is mercy? Mercy is the ability […]

Christians Are Not a New Target in Pakistan

The terrorist attack that killed more than 70 people in a Lahore park on Easter was not the first time that Christians in the Islamic country have been targeted, and observers say that, as things stand, it will not be the last time.

Learning to Listen In the Year of Mercy

I WAS SITTING in a reconciliation room once, confessing my usual garden variety list of sins when I was suddenly aware that the priest was gazing out the window. Being reflective, perhaps? No, I was fairly sure he was daydreaming. I left my confession with the feeling that I was forgiven by God but ignored by my confessor.