Sister Alice Will be Missed

Dear Editor: I am saddened to read the story of Sister Alice Michael, S.U.S.C., leaving the Faith Formation Office and her position absorbed.

Holy Week Devotions in Bay Ridge

Dear Editor: It was inspiring to see the pictures of the many Good Friday devotions around the boroughs and to read about the beautiful Polish custom of blessing the Easter baskets on Holy Saturday morning.

Tributes to Mother Angelica

Dear Editor: Mother Angelica would break through brick walls for Jesus. Yet, we often hear unfair criticisms of the Catholic Church regarding women.

Diverse Black Community

Dear Editor: We the professional ministers of the parishes of Deanery Q9 (S.E. Queens) which serves a predominately Black Catholic community wish to express our disappointment that the letter from Gerald De Maio was published in The Tablet (April 2). We found the letter inflammatory, stereotypical and offensive.

Thoughtful Piece About Cuba

Dear Editor: When I saw the headline “Obama’s Cuban Gamble” (April 2), I thought “Oh, no, this is going to be a slam.” Instead the column by Jorge I. Dominguez-Lopez was the most graceful, thoughtful and hopeful meditation on the United States’ opening to the Cuban people that I could ever imagine. Kudos to the […]

Let’s Offer Real Solutions

Dear Editor: I would like to reply to the statement in the Readers’ Forum (March 26) by E. Lopez: “That Donald Trump is not fit to be president, is a given.”

The Views of Youth

Dear Editor: Many thanks for the March 19th Youth Views column. Having taught our Catholic youth for almost 50 years, I always want to read what today’s young people have to say. This week they were asked “what virtue or value we should strive for as a country.”

Advice or Bickering?

Dear Editor: This is in response to two letters in which my letter was cited. I would like to clarify a few points.

Biden Is Undeserving

Dear Editor: In response to the article March 26 regarding Bishop Rhoades disagreeing with the University of Notre Dame honoring VP Biden with the Laetare Medal, I thank God for bishops like him for speaking out.

Local Bishop Objects To ND Award to Biden

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (CNS) – Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend said he disagreed with University of Notre Dame officials for honoring Vice President Joe Biden with the Laetare Medal for outstanding service to the Catholic Church and society.