Letters to the Editor

Sister Alice Will be Missed

Dear Editor: I am saddened to read the story of Sister Alice Michael, S.U.S.C., leaving the Faith Formation Office and her position absorbed.

When my parish asked me to take on the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.), I immediately turned to Sister Alice Michael, the R.C.I.A. diocesan coordinator.

I knew of her reputation and expertise in R.C.I.A. She was a recognized national speaker on R.C.I.A. Attending every presentation, workshop and guest lectures, I not only learned how to do R.C.I.A. correctly, but also the liturgical and historical side.

While the acronym R.C.I.A. can be added to someone’s list of responsibilities, the expertise cannot. Besides being a knowledgeable person, her compassion to help and work with you was always there. She shared so much of herself with everyone. Being multi-lingual her reach was even further.

For those who are too young, the faith and dedication of the Sisters who taught so many cannot be replaced.

