The Role of Mother

May traditionally is considered the month of mothers, when we pray for all our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, all who have loved us in our lives with a motherly love, both living and deceased. We pray for a greater appreciation of all mothers and a greater respect for the gift of motherhood. These women are for their children the very face of God and they, along with their husbands, are their children’s introduction to what it means to be a human being.

Mrs. Rinaldi Will be Missed

Dear Editor: Our Lady of Grace parish, Gravesend, lost a valued parishioner on April 10. Loretta Gentile Rinaldi always greeted everyone with a smile. She was involved in every fundraising function the parish and school held. She counted the collection money along with the “Monday Morning Girls,” worked in the printing room, helped at the annual Christmas fairs, school card parties, Seder suppers, testimonial dinners, bazaars and anywhere else she was needed.

Proper Political Perspective

Dear Editor: A letterwriter on your website lacks some proper perspective. The Democratic Party in the two states he names are continuously expanding their support for abortion, not “ending” it, and they effectively use the courts to get their way no matter how much opposition.

Remembering Sr. Antoinette

Dear Editor: I worked with Sister Antoinette Damato, O.P., at Queen of the Rosary Academy in Williamsburg. She was a kind and lovely person. I am so sorry to hear of her passing.

Loves Astoria’s Parishes

Dear Editor: When I moved to Astoria, my parish was St. Margaret Mary. The memories are my treasure of the many activities that we had – the social events were phenomenal but above all, our spiritual guidance was superb.

Danger of ‘Correctness’

Dear Editor: A small manipulated group using the fear of political correctness has changed our way of life more than either political party. Courts, religion, marriage, parades, business, sports, military, schools, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, movies, television, free speech, are gone.

Sr. Alice’s Faith Model

Dear Editor: Christians that have stayed true to their faith in life no matter the challenges and storms they’ve been through always should acknowledge their Creator for all their blessings. One can relate to Sister Alice! One does not have to be in any religious order but even being a lay person, Sister Alice showed all of us a model of a Christian life.

Vote Your Beliefs

Dear Editor: Wake up, Catholics! Our record is an embarrassment. Every Democrat who represents our neighborhoods is pro-abortion and that is almost true of all New York State representatives as well. Several claim to be Catholic, like our governor and female U.S. senator.

Aid to Ecuador

Catholic agencies are beginning to build temporary shelters for thousands of families in Ecuador made homeless by the recent earthquake there.

Matter of Conscience

This past week, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops joined 25 other groups in supporting “The Conscience Protection Act of 2016” (H.R. 4828). This proposal was introduced on March 22 by Reps. John Fleming, M.D. (R-LA) and Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) and seeks to respect the conscience rights of health care professionals and facilities.