Tribute to Sister Mary

Dear Editor: It was with deep sadness that I read about the passing of Sister Mary Matthias Slaymaker, C.S.J. in The Tablet (Obituaries, Aug. 6). I had the good fortune of having her as my grade-eight teacher at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Grammar School, Sunset Park. I had had a difficult grade seven and was fearful that grade eight would be more of the same.

Today’s Catholic Witness

Dear Editor: It is agonizing to witness the failure of Catholic witness in our times. Barbara Bolton (Readers’ Forum, “The Choice for Life Is Clear,” Aug. 6) appears convinced that abortion is a trifling consideration in her contentions about the experience and preferable temperament of Hillary Clinton to her opponent, despite Clinton’s megalomaniacal criminally and temperamental mendacity.

Recognition of the Laity

With the appointment of the Bishop of Dallas, the Most Reverend Kevin Farrell, as the new head of the Vatican’s newly merged dicastery for laity, family and life, Pope Francis has done two things at once.

Boomers and Beyond – Summer 2016

The Tablet is pleased to present this guide for Baby Boomers in partnership with local providers of health care, legal and financial services. We hope this guide helps your planning for a healthy, prosperous future.

Parenting Never Ends

Something that hasn’t changed is that a parent still experiences life like an odd recipe: There’s one part chaos, one part love and affection, and one part wondering what in the heck just happened.

Husband and Wife Invest in Fair Trade

After three years of working for Catholic Relief Services promoting the fair trade movement, Evangely Aliangan Ward decided she could do more.

Connors and Sullivan Free Law Seminar

Connors and Sullivan invites you to one of their free seminars to learn about elder law, trusts and estates law, and estate planning.

Lifelong Learning at B’klyn College

Adults who join Brooklyn Lifelong Learning (BLL), located at Brooklyn College get to enjoy classes with no tests, homework or grades.