Avoidable Tragedies

Dear Editor: These incidents are tragic because they are so avoidable. Mr. Carr was killed by another male black while participating in a protest/riot over a recent shooting of a black suspect by the police in Charlotte, S.C. The police shot and killed a convicted felon with a stolen gun who posed an immediate threat.

A Not So Barren Island

Dear Editor: I truly appreciated reading Ed Wilkinson’s column on little-known Barren Island (Aug. 27).

Thanks from Queens Village

Dear Editor: Thank you so much for the announcements and the excellent coverage your team has provided for Our Lady of Lourdes parish’s celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Velankanni – both in The Tablet and on NET.

Future American Saint?

Dear Editor: It warmed my heart to read Catherine Dietz’ letter (Sept. 10) for

Merciful Opportunity

Dear Editor: At the opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Our Holy Father, Pope Francis asked all Catholics to reflect upon and increase both the corporal and spiritual works of mercy in their lives.

What’s So Special About Dirt?

DIRT. NOT JUST ordinary dirt, but game-used dirt from Citifield. That’s what a dear friend gave me as a birthday present this year: a New York Mets souvenir ballpoint pen, filled with game-used dirt from Citifield, complete with a certificate of authenticity.

Are Outward Signs of Faith Offensive?

I AM SETTLING into my cramped seat in a small aircraft when I smell it: the nauseating odor of fried food in close quarters. I turn, ready to glare, when I see that the culprit, a middle-aged man, is bowed in prayer over his meal with his hands folded, eyes closed.

Mission Sunday Is Part Of a Very Busy Month

The month of October holds special meaning for all Catholics. First, it is Respect Life Month, when we are reminded of the innate dignity and value of every human life, especially pre-born life, the elderly and infirm, also the poor and marginalized.

Heart of Ignatius

The priests of the Society of Jesus have long been leaders in the Catholic Church. Founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, they wish to “set the world ablaze,” and from the long list of saints which this order has produced: Francis Xavier, Isaac Jogues, Robert Bellarmine, and the list goes on and on, we can see that they have indeed been among the chief evangelizers and educators in the world over the past 500 years.

Too Much Big Government

Dear Editor: I heard a quote the other day. It went something like this (paraphrased): “The usual right wing, left wing division matters less than the division between the establishment and the rest of us.”