Pope’s Schedule Released As Christmas Tree Rises

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – As a towering spruce tree was erected in St. Peter’s Square, the Vatican released Pope Francis’ liturgy schedule for Advent, Christmas and the month of January.

Thankful for St. Kevin’s

Dear Editor: A very large thank you to the parishioners of St. Kevin’s parish in Flushing.

Don’t Mock Worshippers

Dear Editor: I write concerning the opinions expressed by some regarding opposition to the music being played during Mass in some churches. I think many of the chants, regulations and prayers in the Church have come from rules and traditions handed down through the years. Many of them have nothing to do with Christ’s teachings while on Earth. Jesus did not sing Gregorian Chant or pray written prayers. He would have prayed extemporaneously from the heart to God.

A Double Standard

Dear Editor: I have to respond to Rita Murphy’s letter (Nov. 26). She is appalled that Trump was elected. Why is it that in 2008 and 2012 when Obama was elected twice, everything was fine. We did not loot stores, burn cars, block roads or try to prevent shoppers from shopping. We peacefully accepted a legitimate win for Obama.

Woman Upset by Trump

Dear Editor: As a woman, having heard and seen how the U.S. president-elect considers and treats women (the most outrageous of his comments from a while ago as reported by CNN), I’d like to ask our religious leaders whether a Mass could be celebrated in all our dioceses in reparation for such demeaning words. They offend both women and men if for no other reason because also men are born from their mothers.

Midwest Scrooge

Bloomington, Indiana’s mayor, John Hamilton, announced that two paid holidays for city workers were going to be renamed in an effort to recognize multiculturalism. Columbus Day will now be referred to as “Fall Holiday” and Good Friday will now be called “Spring Holiday.”

What Pro-Lifers Want From Trump Presidency

by Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, The last several years have clearly been challenging for the pro-life movement. The abortion industry, exposing its false rhetoric of choice, increasingly seeks to coerce Americans to be complicit with abortion, even insisting that abortion is a social good to be celebrated, subsidized and uncontrolled.

Complicity and Ultimate Concerns

by Father John P. Cush, THERE’S A TREMENDOUS sense of urgency in the message of St. John the Baptist, a central figure of the early part of the liturgical season of Advent. John is a radical figure, not only in dress but also in demeanor, utterly fearless in his preaching about the coming Kingdom of God. He recognizes the hypocritical nature of the lives of the Pharisees and Sadducees and he is not afraid to call them out on it.

Be Santa to a Senior

by Rita Piro, Christmas is for kids. How often have we heard this said? Or perhaps said it ourselves.

Boomers and Beyond – Fall 2016

The Tablet is pleased to present this guide for Baby Boomers in partnership with local providers of health care, travel and leisure, legal and financial services. We hope this guide helps your planning for a healthy, prosperous future.