Bright Christmas Thanks

Dear Editor: My thanks to you and The Tablet for the Bright Christmas donation. This support is part of our effort to provide toys and food to over 2,000 families.

Word and Sacrament

Dear Editor: It is important at St. Mary’s Church, Long Island City, that “Word and Sacrament” be embraced at all levels and by all age groups, and through every media.

Support March for Life

Dear Editor: With the recent election of Donald Trump, it has been reported that donations to Planned Parenthood have soared. Unfortunately, the lie of making abortions “safe, legal and rare” disseminated by the Democrats and Liberals is definitely a fallacy.

Dugan’s Tenure at SFC

Dear Editor: Just a slight correction in the Tablet obituary for Brendan Dugan. He became president of St. Francis College on July 1, 2008. Therefore he was president for eight-and-a-half years.

Saintly Photo of the Pope

Dear Editor: The Tablet’s photo of Pope Francis walking with World Youth Day pilgrims​ (Dec. 24-31) is the most poignant and uplifting of any pontifical picture I have ever seen, of any pope.

Truth, Justice, Democracy

Dear Editor: While at the gym, I overheard a lady nearby say, “I can’t understand how anyone can kill another person.” I could not help but interject and say, “That is only because we tend to see others as we are. There are many people who were never trained or educated in what is right or wrong, consequently, they have a very different conscience from those who are.”

Final Broadcast for ‘Religion & Ethics’

PBS’ “Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly” – the only program of its kind: a weekly half-hour program that took a serious look at religion and religious issues across the spectrum of belief, and how faith intersected with politics, society and culture – will air its final broadcast in late February.

Bask in the Light of Christ

Today’s readings point to the light that had come to dispel the darkness of the world – not only the planet we live on, but also the unique individual worlds that you and I are in this universe of humanity. Revolving around the Son, we sometimes allow sin to eclipse the grace of God bestowed on us at baptism. So it is good to breathe in this celebration deeply, basking in the light of Christmas that continues to shine brightly.

A Pro-Life Year

2016 will forever be known as the year that the media got it wrong. The arrogance of those “opinion makers” was proven again and again through the year. It can be argued that most Americans believe that abortion is murder, plain and simple. It is apparent that abortion is something that the vast majority of Americans oppose.