Work to Dissolve Borders

Dear Editor: I recently read Father Catoir’s Up Front and Personal (April 29) on immigrations and protecting the borders.

Concern for Health Act

Dear Editor: I was glad to see recent coverage of church leaders expressing concerns about the American Health Care Act (AHCA). Church leaders were right to critique certain aspects of the Affordable Care Act before, and they are right to critique the AHCA now, all on the basis of how they do or don’t protect the vulnerable.

Local Fatima Pilgrim

Dear Editor: On Saturday, May 13, I left Our Lady Queen of Martyrs after noon Mass, Confession and the First Joyful Mystery of the Rosary. As I opened the door to leave, I felt the falling rain. I had made a vow the previous summer to take a walk to Our Lady of Fatima Church near LaGuardia Airport.

Advocate for the Disabled

Dear Editor: As we remember all of the great things which Bishop Daily accomplished, let us never forget the love he had for people with all disabilities. He instituted a wonderful advocacy program which sought to make all of our churches and surrounding buildings accessible to people with all disabilities.

Follow the Road to Self-Discovery

by Msgr. Joseph P. Calise

I can still remember how excited I was in the mid-1960s when my family bought our first color television set. “Gilligan’s Island” was the first show we watched in color.

Technology and Faith

I once asked some high school students to identify a couple of trees – a birch and an elm – based on pictures of their leaves. They offered a few sheepish guesses: Oak? Maple? They kept guessing.

Bishop Daily’s Pastoral Visit to Ground Zero

by Frank DeRosa

The passing of Bishop Thomas V. Daily evoked fond memories among all who knew him. Msgr. Ralph J. Maresca and Father Vincent E. Daily poignantly recalled their own thoughts in their touching homilies at the Mass of Transferral and the Mass of Christian Burial, respectively.

Priority of Silence

This past week, Pope-Emeritus Benedict XVI who had pledged to “remain hidden” from the world since his resignation from the papacy in 2013 released an afterword for a future edition of a new book by Cardinal Robert Sarah, the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship at the Vatican entitled “The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise.” Benedict writes: “We should be grateful to Pope Francis for appointing such a spiritual teacher as head of the congregation that is responsible for the celebration of the liturgy in the Church,” and states further, “With Cardinal Sarah, a master of silence and of interior prayer, the liturgy is in good hands.”

‘Guardians’ Elements Demand Discernment

NEW YORK (CNS) — Sound fundamental values underlie the spirited sci-fi follow-up “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (Disney). But thematic elements demanding discernment, together with some less than family-friendly dialogue, make this return to the stars best for grown-ups.

How Do We Keep ‘Cradle Catholics’ in Church?

by Elise Italiano

In his book “The Four Loves,” C.S. Lewis writes, “The typical expression of opening friendship would be something like, ‘What? You too? I thought I was the only one.’”