Pope Benedict’s Writings

Dear Editor: I certainly recommend reading as you referenced, William Doino Jr.’s article: “Ratzinger Rising,”dated May 8, 2017 on First Things magazine’s website.

Too Many Changes in Church

Dear Editor: It is truly sad to be living through the results of Vatican II and the sexual revolution that took place in the 1960s and 1970s.

Not a Fan of President

Dear Editor: It was written regarding President Trump’s visit to the Vatican “many in the media chose to use it as another opportunity to slam the President.”

Sister’s Work Goes On

Dear Editor: Sister Jane Talbot, R.S.M., was hired by Father Dominic Cutrone at Our Lady of Grace parish, Gravesend, in 1983. It was probably one of his best choices. Sister Jane passed away in 2009.

Two June Feasts Celebrate God’s Love

by Carol Powell

THERE ARE TWO feast days in June that illustrate so beautifully the essence of who God really is. I am referring to the feasts of Corpus Christi and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Recovering Our Awe For the Eucharist

THE WORDS UTTERED by Our Lord in today’s Gospel, taken from the Evangelist John’s “Bread of Life Discourse,” are utterly true. The Lord Jesus says: “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.”

50 Years of Serving and Moving Toward Christ

by John Fitzgerald

When Marie Reilly and Anthony McHugh met there was high hope of a long and loving life together, the loving was there but long lived was not to be. Anthony left this world when his children were still young. He left behind a dedicated, courageous and fearless mother for his five children: Edward, Phillip, John, Anthony and last, but by far not the least, Maryann Patricia.

Celebrating 3,315 Years Of Jubilee Joy

by Sister Maryann Lopiccolo, S.C.

This is the text of a talk delivered during the Jubilee Mass for Religious Brothers and Sisters, celebrated by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio at Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston, May 21.

Catherine’s Example

What a valuable saint Catherine of Siena is for our times. In an age of constant criticism of our priests, bishops, and the Holy Father, let us learn from her some lessons.

Debating Climate Control

Dear Editor: I have to say that pulling out of the Paris Climate Pact was one of Trump’s finest moments. It was him talking, all alone, with everyone against him, to the American worker… and the American taxpayer.