Year of Vocations: Reawaken the Call

by Father Sean M. Suckiel

Pope Francis’ vision in his pontificate seeks to reawaken the Church by reclaiming the sense of mission in the hearts of all its followers once again.

“Fake Clinics”

On July 15, the New York Daily News reported that Democratic Councilman Peter Koo of Flushing has given close to $24,000 in donations to Bridge to Life, a not-for-profit organization which provides counseling to over 4,000 women who are in need, giving them free pregnancy tests, donations of maternity and baby clothes and supplies and referrals to housing and other services.

One and Holy

The conversation this week that most Catholic writers and intellectuals are having concerns the article that we mentioned last week by Fathers Antonio Spadaro and Rev. Marcelo Figueroa in La Civilta Cattolica. There have been so many commentaries about this article, some thoughtful and good, and others seeming to have no value except to agitate those who read it.

One Freedom at a Time

Dear Editor: It would seem that the daily dose of abuse by a growing number of activists is proof of the anger and vitriol which is becoming more and more an accepted part of the social lack of conscience and dignity at every level of the spin-driven rhetoric and personal assault on every level of social and the new age culture of hate and fear.

Revealing Inner Catholicity

Dear Editor: Malachy McCourt, 85, states in his new autobiography, “Death Need Not Be Fatal,” “I am an atheist, thank God.”

Proud of These Principals

Dear Editor: The Institute for Catholic Schools at St. John’s University sends congratulatory wishes to the principals honored by the diocese at the Principals’ Longevity Recognition Awards Celebration (July 1- July 8).

The Right to Live

Dear Editor: Had King George III only known that our country’s interest in declaring and protecting life only began after birth, he might have declared that all pregnancies be terminated. If that were the case the American Revolution might have begun sooner.

Summer of Discontent

Dear Editor: Re: The Summer of Love column (July 1-July 8), there was not one thing about the Summer of Love (1967) that was for Christ. It was all anti-Christ and they wanted everyone in the world to be against establishment, Church and God.

The Kingdom of Heaven Is Here

A FEW YEARS ago, I celebrated the funeral Mass for a 92-year-old longtime parishioner. She was very much involved in the life of the parish. She also had a large family with many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.