Clarifications Wantedl

Dear Editor: As a convert and faithful Catholic, I was happy to see America’s Catholic bishops bravely speaking out in their condemnation of the reported racism of those who were neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia.

President Misunderstood

Dear Editor: I think there is some misconception about President Trump’s action regarding DACA.

Stay Calm and Journey On

by Father John Catoir

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote: “Most of us reflect our surroundings. However, men (and women) with quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened; they carry on in times of fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm.”

Forgive From Your Heart

HAVE YOU EVER been hurt by someone, hurt to the very core of your heart? I imagine so. This happens to most of us and it leaves a wound that may heal, but certainly leaves a scar.

Exactly Where I Am Supposed to Be

AS I RECENTLY celebrated the second anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood, two things came to mind. In one sense, I felt that my ordination took place only yesterday and in another, it seemed as if I have been a priest my whole life. Hence, the mystery of the priesthood! In a priest’s life, no two days are ever the same. While your identity as a priest of Jesus Christ is unchangeable, your encounters with the people of God each day renew that identity.

Catechists Are Building The Future Church

by John Fitzgerald

SUNDAY MORNING and the concluding rite at the end of Mass begins with the celebrant saying, “The Lord be with you” and we respond, “And with your spirit.”

Francis Is Peter

A few readers have mentioned that our editorial policy seems to deflect criticism of the Holy Father, and seems to support his “agenda” without clarification.

‘All Saints’ Inspires, Celebrates Faith

NEW YORK (CNS) — Sincere but less than slick, the low-key, fact-based drama “All Saints” (Sony) celebrates Christian faith and family life. Believers, accordingly, will likely be inclined to overlook its artistic shortcomings.

Keeping Watch for The Lord’s People

TO BE CALLED, as was the prophet Ezekiel, to be the “watchman” for the House of God, is a great honor and a solemn responsibility.

A New Perspective on The Power of Prayer

by Antonina Zielinska

BEING A TEENAGER in New York City was a treasure like no other. During my coming of age years, I had friends from all corners of the earth, practicing different religions and holding vastly different understandings of the world.