The Pope Is an Inspiration

Dear Editor: I do not understand how you could print the ridiculous diatribe (Readers’ Forum, Sept. 9) of Father Marik Kaczmarski of Clearwater, Fla.

His Ways Are Not Our Ways

by Father Anthony F. Raso

NO MATTER HOW many times we encounter today’s Gospel about the owner of the field, who pays everyone the same wages at the end of the day no matter how many hours they’ve put in, the owner seems – to our sinful selves – to be completely unfair.

The Option of Adoption Gives the Gift of Life

by Kathleen M. Gallagher

My friend Mary is one-of-a-kind. She is a retired police lieutenant from suburban Long Island, where we both grew up. Today Mary has relocated to a rural hamlet in the northernmost county of New York State. She owns a 300+ acre farm that includes goats, cows, horses, a donkey, two dogs, and lots of chickens, some of whom occasionally roam through the farmhouse.

For Years, I Wondered About My Vocation

by Sister Marie Mackey, C.S.J.

ALL STATES OF life well-lived are a source of joy for the individual and for the community at large. Whether the vocation is to marriage, single life, the priesthood or consecrated life, we all can identify when someone is truly happy and is a “good fit” in his or her ministry.

More Than Filling Pews

Former Presidential Advisor, Steve Bannon, in an interview on “60 Minutes,” offered a rather un-nuanced view on why the Catholic Bishops of the U.S. were pro-immigration. Bannon stated: “They need illegal aliens to fill the pews.”

Politics of Abortion

Dear Editor: Many of our fellow Catholics are voicing their opinion about the current turmoil in our country and are expressing different opinions about it. I believe that one of the most important issues is not being addressed sufficiently and that is the facilitation of abortionists by Catholics themselves.

Couple of Great Seabees

Dear Editor: I read Jim Mancari’s sports column every week but his Sept. 9 column about his grandpa was the best. He sounded like a wonderful man.

Gil Was a True All-Star

Dear Editor: Thanks so much for Jim Mancari’s column (Sept. 2) on the great Gil Hodges. As a young girl, I was lucky enough to see him many times at Ebbets Field and, naturally, just loved the big Marine.

Leave the Statues Alone

Dear Editor: This madness that is currently going on regarding removing statues of famous people who have something in their past that does not meet with the lofty standards of those liberals among us is ridiculous.

Condemn All Racism

Dear Editor: “Diocese Established New Commission on Racism” (Sept. 2, 2017), tells us “Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio is forming a new commission to study the effects of racism in the Church and on the Diocese. He made the announcement Aug. 24 at a special Mass for Solidarity and Peace to counter the racist overtones of demonstration in Charlottesville, Va.”