Stand Up for the Anthem

Dear Editor: With all due respect to Father Kingsley (Oct. 7), I can’t help but wonder it those who “took a knee” are actively involved in the inner cities in which they live. Are they helping the youth of those neighborhoods rise above the environment and mindset that nurtures the violent behavior that is so prevalent?

Fears for Grandchildren

Dear Editor: Our soldiers fought many wars to protect Democracy and to fight Communism: cold wars, hot wars, ‘police actions.’ Lives were lost by the millions.

Disagreeing With Weigel

Dear Editor: George Weigel’s statement (Sept. 30) that “The Catholic left is nostalgic for the days when Catholic Lite ruled the roost” implies that anything other than what Weigel believes is either “wooly” (his term) or, worse, heretical. This begs a question: When exactly did such heresy actually “rule,” only now to be displaced by right-thinking Weigelites?

Real Meaning of Columbus

Dear Editor: I was disappointed that no one voiced outrage for the graffiti-laden message mounted on the Columbus statue in Astoria. That statue was actually hidden during World War II in some basement out of fear it would be melted for bullets in the war.

Sensitivity to ‘Discomfort’

Dear Editor: Your article on the disgraceful decision to remove almost 200 religious icons and statues from a Catholic school in California didn’t cover the bankrupt explanations the school’s administration gave for justifying its religious spinelessness and condescending dismissal of parental concern with the standby cliché that “they are afraid of change.”

How to Vote Pro-Life

Dear Editor: I found the opinion of Robert Tillman (Sept. 16) regarding Catholics who support politicians who are pro choice (or as he incorrectly labels “abortionists”) to be extremely simplistic.

Censoring Father Martin

Dear Editor: This is in reference to the article (Sept. 23) concerning Father James Martin, and how they cancelled his invitation to speak at the Theological College following the publication of his new book “’Building a Bridge.”

Loves Youth’s View

Dear Editor: Having grown up a half mile from a large swimmable lake, I never went to summer camp. But I can appreciate Kene Nzelu’s comprehensive review (Sept. 23) of the in’s and out’s of day camp versus sleepaway. I recommend parents and kids read the whole article.

Judging Politicians

Dear Editor: I nearly fell off my chair when I read the conclusion of one of the letters to the editor (July 15): Speaker Ryan should be excommunicated.

Why Was Fr. Rother Killed?

Dear Editor: I have read the article (Sept. 23) on Father Rother’s life with the great interest.