Churches Show How to Financially Survive During Pandemic

As the COVID-19 rages on, pastors in the Diocese of Brooklyn are coming up with ways to keep their churches financially afloat during the pandemic when social distancing rules are sharply curtailing attendance at Masses and most revenue streams have been brought to a halt.

Queen of Angels Parishioners Bring Breakfast to Day Laborers

Once a month, parishioners from Queen of Angels Church load up two minivans with hundreds of breakfast sandwiches, bagels, soups, coffee, and tea and drives out to several Queens neighborhoods to deliver food to immigrant day laborers.

View from the Pew-St. Clement Pope Church

Beatrice Mills-Henry has been coming to St. Clement Pope since she started accompanying a friend to Mass when she was a 10-year-old Methodist. She was baptized into the Catholic faith at age 12 and has been coming to St. Clement Pope ever since.

For Pakistani-Americans, Constant Worry Over Family Back Home

James Cyprian lives in Brooklyn, but his mind is often thousands of miles away in his native Pakistan — worrying about his two adult children’s safety. “They are always on my mind,” said Cyprian, secretary-general of the Brooklyn-based Pakistani Christian Association of USA.