On the day before the Fourth Sunday of Easter, traditionally called Good Shepherd Sunday, the adults who entered into full communion with the Catholic Church at Easter, reunited for a day of prayer, fellowship and continuing faith formation.
Author: Melissa Enaje
Parishes, Schools Honored For Giving the Gift of Life
On May 2, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and the New York Blood Center recognized the parishes, schools and individuals in Brooklyn and Queens who made significant contributions to the 2016 blood drive campaign.
Youth Views: What virtue is important in your life and why?
The Tablet asks students from around the Diocese of Brooklyn a question for the opinion section of the Youth page.
Youth Views: Has there been any event (personal, local, national) that has shaken your faith?
The Tablet asks students from around the Diocese of Brooklyn a question for the opinion section of the Youth page.
Nigerians See Flight Into Egypt as Journey of Life
A historical route that spanned more than a thousand miles from Bethlehem into Egypt – or relatively speaking, from Missouri to Manhattan – was one taken by the Holy Family thousands of years ago.
St. Joseph High School in Communion and Liberation’s Good Friday Procession over Brooklyn Bridge
Seniors from St. Joseph H.S., downtown Brooklyn, participated in the Communion and Liberation’s Good Friday Procession April 14.
Youth Views: How do your morals shape your life?
The Tablet asks students from around the Diocese of Brooklyn a question for the opinion section of the Youth page.
Hispanic Youth Display Their Faith at Caminata
For one to comprehend the faith-filled energy of the youth within the diocese’s Spanish-speaking community, look no further than the young faces within the Jornadas of the Movimiento de Jornadas de Vida Cristiana – a long-standing movement that spans different generations of its members.
Youth Views: What did you give up or take on for Lent?
The Tablet asks students from around the Diocese of Brooklyn a question for the opinion section of the Youth page.
Exploring the Humanities at Kearney High School Exposition
Bishop Kearney H.S., Bensonhurst, hosted its annual interdisciplinary fair where its English, social studies and foreign language departments collaborated on projects that students have been working on since last November.