An iconic New York science exhibit hall that catered to the curiosity and creativity of millions of students and their families, held a special reception April 6 for local ‘angels’ as part of the diocese’s Futures in Education’s annual Angel Reception at the New York Hall of Science.
Author: Melissa Enaje
Forest Hills Parish Food Pantry Feeds the Hungry
In a basement at Our Lady of Mercy, Forest Hills, every Saturday of the month, come rain or snow, volunteers at a food pantry open its doors to the needy in the community, offering more than just well-stocked just shelves of Chef Boyardee cans, dried pasta packets and rows of paper towels and toiletries. They welcome neighbors with open arms and smiles of kindness.
Teens Share Faith at Diocesan Youth Day
The Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston, hosted nearly 750 youth from all over the diocese as the final installment of this year’s Brooklyn Catholic Youth Day event.
St. Francis Prep Offers Saint, Sultan As Channels of Peace
Sitting quietly in the front row of the auditorium with her mother, Parisa Boukani stood out from the crowd as her deep blue silk hijab, or Muslim headscarf, fell gracefully across her cream-colored blouse.
Honoring Saint Joseph at The Mary Louis Academy
At The Mary Louis Academy, Jamaica Estates, the Feast of Saint Joseph is celebrated during an annual liturgy where every member of the school rededicates themselves to Jesus’ mission of justice and to an education with spiritual values, while striving to treat others with love.
Silent Moments with Saint Joseph
Standing in front of the altar where they celebrated the sacrament of marriage, NYPD officer Richard Joseph Galletta and his wife Lisa took a moment to reflect on the saint after whom he was named.
The Finest Pray and Remember
At the 97th annual Communion Mass and Breakfast for the New York City Police Department’s Holy Name Society, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio celebrated the Eucharist with more than 1,000 officers at Our Lady of Lourdes, Queens Village.
At Night of Praise, Youth Get Close with Eucharist
More than 100 teens from around the diocese gathered at Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians Church, Woodside, March 12, for a Sunday night filled with praise, worship and encouragement at the XLT (Exalt) Youth Night of Worship. The service was led by Steubenville musician and professor Dr. Bob Rice.
Youth Views: What is your definition of God?
The Tablet asks students from around the Diocese of Brooklyn a question for the opinion section of the Youth page.
A Cooking Club For All Seasons at Holy Cross High School
Whether it’s creating a pot filled with tasty chili made from scratch for Super Bowl Sunday or dousing enough vanilla on strawberries for St. Valentine’s Day-themed treats, students attending the new cooking club at Holy Cross H.S., Flushing, were counting culinary skills as a part of their recipe for success.