Vespers In Solidarity With Persecuted Christians

“If there is no cost, there is no love. Love demands sacrifices,” Msgr. Kieran Harrington said in his reflection during Solemn Vespers on the Feast of Christ the King at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph, Prospect Heights, last Sunday, Nov. 25.

Bishop DiMarzio Holds A Dialogue With the Faithful About Sexual Abuse in the Church

The Diocese of Brooklyn is producing an informational video to address parishioners’ concerns about the sexual abuse crisis in the Church. The action comes after the New York State Attorney General issued subpoenas to the state’s eight dioceses to hand over files that relate to sexual abuse cases going all the way back to 1950.

The Sadness of Our Lives

We celebrate Thanksgiving this week, a time when we think about all the blessings we have received. Sometimes it could be the moment when we acutely feel the pain for our losses, for the things that really didn’t go well during our last trip around the sun.

The Worst Form of Government

The recent midterm elections are not over – Florida’s ‘traditional’ recounts are still underway – but the results at large are clear. Confirming what polls predicted, Democrats retook the House and Republicans kept the Senate. Two years from now, somebody will probably be quoting President Truman’s ‘Do Nothing Congress.’

Future Priests Get Together To Pray and Play Ball

More than 200 students from all levels of seminary formation celebrated the Inter-Seminary Day of Prayer and Fellowship Nov. 1 at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston. The day started with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.

A Century After the Great War

Veterans Day, commemorated each year on Nov. 11, is the Day of the Armistice that put an end to the Great War a century ago this week. We often forget that World War II changed the name of the Great War into World War I. In that name – Great War – there was an implicit hope: that the horrors visited upon the world between 1914 and 1918 would never return. That hope was obliterated 21 years later, when Hitler and Stalin invaded Poland in September of 1939.

Mission to Africa

“So often I forget how blessed and fortunate I am to live in America,” says Nia Mendonca. “It seems easy to complain about little things when I forget all that God has given me. Coming to Africa has changed my perspective on life.”