Representing Brooklyn To the Holy Father

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio has represented the Brooklyn Diocese in Rome on several occasions. Bishop DiMarzio greets Pope John Paul II during his 2004 ad limina visit to the Vatican… Pope Benedict XVI shakes hands with Bishop DiMarzio, during the pope’s general audience at the Vatican on July 6, 2005… Bishop DiMarzio meets Pope Francis for […]

Timeline: A Decade of Leadership

Pope John Paul II accepted the resignation of Bishop Thomas V. Daily and appointed Bishop Nicholas A. DiMarzio of Camden, N.J., to succeed him as the seventh Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn on Aug. 1, 2003. Embracing the theme, “Put out into the deep,” Bishop DiMarzio has gone out into the depths of the […]

Showing Love for Philly

The summer may have been a break from school work for St. Edmund Prep students, but they continued to work hard to provide corporal and spiritual works of mercy. For the fourth summer in a row, students from the Sheepshead Bay high school spent a week in Philadelphia volunteering with the St. Vincent de Paul […]

New Novice

Joseph Bach was received into the Novitiate of the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn. Pictured, from left, are Brother William Boslet, O.S.F., superior general of the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn; Brother Joseph Bach; and Brother Richard Contino, O.S.F., novice director.

Chamber Music Series in Marine Park

The 18th annual chamber music series at Good Shepherd Church, Marine Park, begins on Oct. 6 with a performance by clarinetist Thomas Piercy. The concerts take place on 11 consecutive Sundays at 6 p.m. While admission is free and open to the public, voluntary donations for the performers are encouraged. Michael Fontana, parish music director, […]

Chaplain Candidate Promoted

Brooklyn seminarian Mark Bristol was promoted in the U.S. Navy from the rank of Ensign to Lieutenant Junior Grade as a Chaplain Candidate on Sept. 20 in a ceremony at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N.Y. Shown are, from left, Navy Commander Msgr. Joseph Mulqueen; Bristol; Navy recruiter Lieutenant Commander Younker; and Lieutenant Msgr. Terrence Mulkerin.

New Class Prepares for Pastoral Ministry

At two recent full-day orientation sessions, the diocese’s Pastoral Institute welcomed 86 new participants for its Lay Ministry Program. Coming from parishes across Brooklyn and Queens, they embarked on a three-year course of intellectual, spiritual, human and pastoral formation that will prepare them for service in their parishes. Thirty-nine will follow the English-language track, while […]

Coadjutor Archbishop in Newark

Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Bernard A. Hebda of Gaylord, Mich., 54, to be coadjutor archbishop of Newark, N.J. As coadjutor, he would automatically succeed Newark Archbishop John J. Myers, 72, upon his retirement or death. Canon law requires bishops to turn in their resignation to the pope at age 75.

New LGA Coach Has CYO, CHSAA Ties

A basketball team is often likened to a well-oiled machine, like an automobile perhaps. The team – like the car – has many moving parts that all work together to reach the optimal level. But in both cases, a driver – or a coach in the team’s case – is vital to the successful operation. […]