Thousands to March for Life in Ohio as Major Abortion Law Vote Looms

On Oct. 6, almost a month before Ohioans will be voting on a major abortion law deciding if the right to an abortion should be added to the state constitution, thousands plan to take part in a March for Life in Columbus, the capital, to raise awareness against the measure. 

Bishops Hail Latest U.S. Refugee Admissions Move; Urge Consistency

The Biden administration’s announcement that it is increasing the number of refugees to the U.S. from Latin America and the Caribbean while decreasing the number allotted from Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the new fiscal year, received a mixed reaction from the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ migration committee.

Believe in Angels? Poll Says Most American Adults Do

It seems like angels are having a moment. A poll this summer showed that 7 in 10 U.S. adults say they believe in angels — more than they believe in the devil (56%), astrology (34%), and reincarnation (34%).

Synod on Synodality: ‘The Biggest Thing in the Catholic Church Since Vatican II’

Meetings today are common occurrences at work, in neighborhoods, schools, and churches, but an almost monthlong meeting — coming on the heels of a two-year consultation process at the parish, national, and continental levels, and then followed by another gathering a year later before submitting a final report, to the pope no less, is hardly an average meeting.

25 Catholic Sites Listed Among World’s Top 100 Sacred Spaces

The phrase “seeing is believing” likely rings true for anyone who visits any of the sites from the listing: “Sacred Spaces: The 100 Most Holy Places on the Earth,” recently published by Patheos, an online spiritual platform.