Obituaries, Week of November 4, 2023

Sister Virginia Elizabeth Down, died on Oct. 10, 2023, just days after her 75th birthday. “Sister Ginny,” as she was called, attended St. Robert Bellarmine Elementary School and The Mary Louis Academy, from where she graduated in 1966. One year later she entered the Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood, New York.  Having received her B.A. […]

Appreciating The Preciousness of Time

Autumn is a time of marathons. I recently completed my first marathon, the Catholic Health-Suffolk County Marathon, in a time of 4 hours and 26 minutes. Truth be told, my journey of 26.2 miles began two and half years earlier, when a life-changing coronary event redirected me on a path toward better health and gratitude for the blessings in my life.

Survivor Tells Of His Healing

It seems appropriate that this Healing Mass includes a contribution from one of the survivors. Each survivor has had their own individual hurdles to overcome the trauma they experienced. Hopefully some information conveyed here today about my experience can provide solidarity and hope to others to begin or to continue their healing process.