Church Leaders Have Been Studying Medjugorje Phenomenon for Decades

Recognizing the spiritual value of devotions connected to Medjugorje, but not ruling on the authenticity of the alleged apparitions or alleged messages from Mary, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith also noted that church officials have issued a “series of divergent opinions” about the phenomenon over the past four decades.

Finding True Greatness in Everyday Life

In today’s world, where power, prestige, and wealth often define success, the concept of humility seems increasingly countercultural. Yet, the wisdom found in ancient texts offers us a perspective that challenges our modern understanding of greatness. Through the lens of Scripture and real-life examples, we are called to reflect on what greatness truly is.

Recognizing Contributions Of Hispanic Catholics

This month we are celebrating Hispanic heritage. Perhaps we in the Diocese of Brooklyn have memories of the Reverend Msgr. Perfecto C. Vasquez. Msgr. Vasquez was the first Hispanic Msgr. in the diocese and was a beloved pastor.

Helping Others Find Addiction Solutions

In “The Divine Comedy,” Dante places a sign at the gateway to hell that reads, “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” Translated, it reads, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” 

Stigmata: The Miraculous Gift St. Francis Wanted to Hide

Throughout 2024, Franciscans around the world commemorate the 800th anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata on Sept. 17, 1224, the appearance of the bodily wounds of Christ’s crucifixion.