Diocese Honors Mosaic of Immigrants With Sculpture, Christmas Tree Lighting

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, joined by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, on Tuesday, Dec. 8, unveiled the sculpture, “Angels Unawares,” at the Soldiers and Sailors Arch in Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza. The annual lighting of the plaza’s Christmas tree followed the unveiling.

Immigrant Workers Exploited During Pandemic, Group Says

Wage theft has increased since March when the COVID-19 took hold of the U.S. economy, the Worker’s Justice Project reports. Before then, WJP saw about four instances of wage theft per week. In recent weeks, however, the weekly average has grown to 11.

Basilica’s Catacombs Tour Called Historic, Sacred, Inspiring

Since 2017, New York residents and tourists have hired Tommy’s New York to show them around the catacombs at the Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in Lower Manhattan. This underground area is the resting place for many legendary characters of New York City’s earliest history.

Local Armenians Fear More Fighting Over Disputed Region

Members of the Armenian community in Brooklyn criticize a recent ceasefire agreement between Armenia and neighboring Azerbaijan in a decades-old dispute over the mountainous region called Nagorno-Karabakh. They said the deal brokered by Russia lets Azeris keep control over land they seized when fighting resumed n late September. They also worry that unresolved issues might cause warfare to start up again.

Local Catholic Leaders Advocate Church’s Role in Post-Election Healing

Two weeks after Election Day, President Donald Trump had not eased up on challenging the voting results. Reconciliation of the citizenry seemed elusive. But leaders of the Catholic clergy in Brooklyn and across the nation reminded the Church of its unique role in helping the nation heal.

Social Media Censorship Leads To the Rise of Free-Speech App

Disgruntled conservatives, claiming they were targeted while liberals could tweet freely, are flocking to “Parler” — that’s French for “talk.” This new platform claims to be an unbiased home for social networking that honors free speech. Conservative politicians, pundits, and other users tout it as a powerful alternative to longtime platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.