The “cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” are heeded by members of the Care for Creation Ministry of St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in Bay Ridge. It is one of 737 similar groups throughout the world responding to Pope Francis’s 2015 encyclical letter on the environment, “Laudato Si’.”
Author: Bill Miller
Only in Print: 19 Students Receive Holy Spirit Through Rite of Confirmation
Students from Catholic high schools throughout the Diocese of Brooklyn assembled on Sunday, May 16, to receive God’s greatest gift — the Holy Spirit — during the Annual High School Rite of Confirmation service held at American Martyrs Church in Bayside, Queens.
Clergy, Cops, City Leaders On What to Do About Anti-Asian Hate
As the city is on the mend from a year of COVID-19 restrictions, fierce, unprovoked attacks on people of Asian heritage have erupted during the first few months of 2021. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio says the Catholic faith has a role in dealing with the hate, but ultimately it is a moral issue in the heart of each person.
East New York Parish Ready to Fight Illegal Dumping
Father Edward Mason and his parishioners are taking steps to help stop illegal dumping on the streets near Mary, Mother of the Church Parish in the East New York neighborhood of Brooklyn.
Diocese of Albany Goes to Supreme Court to Fight Abortion Mandate
The Diocese of Albany, and 13 other petitioners, including Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens, have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their case opposing New York’s abortion coverage mandate.
Only In Print: Navigating the Mystery, Miracle of Birth
When asked what a “doula” is, people often aren’t sure how to respond. Although, some might suggest it’s another term for “midwife.” Not so, say trained and certified doulas.
Priests Fondly Recall Motherly Examples Of Christ’s Love
For Mother’s Day, three moms reflected on raising boys who are now priests in the Diocese of Brooklyn.
President Biden’s First 100 Days Receive Mixed Reviews From Catholics
The Catholic electorate gives mixed reviews on President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office. Issues of concern include his COVID-19 response, immigration, reproductive rights, the environment, and religious freedom.
Croatian Catholics Celebrate 50 Years of ‘Home Away From Home’ in Queens
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio welcomed Bishop Ivica Petanjak from the Diocese of Krk, Croatia Sunday, May 2, for the 50th Anniversary of Croatian Apostolate at Most Precious Blood Parish in Astoria.
‘Water is Health’: CMMB Brings Clean Water to Parched Lands
Last year, Manhattan-based Catholic Medical Mission Board built wells and other catchment structures to bring safe water to more than 260,000 people worldwide. The need is dire. Unsafe water carries deadly viruses or bacteria that cause diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio.