Only in Print: ‘Dream’ Homes

In the early 1900s, entrepreneurs created a unique housing development in the St. Albans neighborhood of Queens.

Focolare’s New President ‘A Daughter of the Church’ In ‘Service of All’

Focolare, the international ecumenical organization, has a new president — Margaret Karram, an Arab Catholic from Israel, and an expert at promoting dialogue among religions. In a Feb. 5 audience with Pope Francis, Karram told him, “I don’t like the word ‘president.’ I’m a daughter of the Church, and I want to be at your service and the service of all.”

Bishop Healy Vaulted From Slavery to Servant of God

James Augustine Healy in 1875 became the first bishop of African-American heritage in the U.S. He was the son of an Irish cotton planter father and a mixed-race mother who was a slave. This family from Georgia also produced two other priests, two nuns, a hardware dealer, and a famous ship captain.

New Educational Center Enlivens Father Tolton’s Legacy 

Supporters of the cause for canonization of Father Augustus Tolton (1854-1897), have created the Tolton Spirituality Center to help Catholics learn from his examples of ministering to people of all races and loving all of humanity. The center, now in its development stages, is moving forward with a $1 million grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Parish’s Live-Streaming Mass Returns to Facebook

Since Jan. 22, Sacred Hearts-St. Stephen parish was unable to “live-stream” its daily Mass on Facebook. The broadcast resumed on Feb. 3., although Facebook had not yet explained why the daily service had been blocked, or how to keep that from happening again.