The mission of Immaculate Conception School in Astoria is to provide every child with a safe and nurturing environment that facilitates a love of learning as well as a love for God, others, and self.
Below is a letter dated Dec. 20, 2014 written by the grandmother of one of the students:
Dear Ms. Harnischfeger:
I know you’re busy so I’ll be as brief as I can. I grew up during a time when “children should be seen and not heard” and “spare the rod and spoil the child” was the norm.
Last night I attended the Immac Christmas Show. As I entered the auditorium, I noticed the children running around playing, parents welcoming each other and mostly the laughter, the loud laughter of children. It was wonderful. I felt as if I walked into a very happy family celebration. In all my years I have never experienced this in any school.
When the children began their show, the silence was deafening. What an incredible show of respect from the audience. As
pre-kindergarten through eighth grade performed, I noted their confidence as well as how they reacted with each other. They fully enjoyed themselves. Their performances were exceptional. Kudos to Ms. Frank on a memorable and heartwarming Nativity Scene.
I want to wish you and the entire Immac family a very Merry Christmas.
Thank you,
Pat Hawkins
For more information, visit us at www.icsastoria.org or call (718) 728-1969.