Letters to the Editor

A Bridge to Life

Dear Editor: I enjoyed reading Father Christopher Heanue’s story (Dec. 12) about the newborn found in Holy Child Jesus Church. I especially enjoyed the three themes for evangelization.

The last paragraph is the one I want to draw attention to. The Bridge to Life has been in existence for over 23 years, helping young women in crisis. Please help us get the word out that we are also a safe haven if a scared new mom wants to bring her newborn to us.

Recently, a young mom, 13 years old, chose life for her daughter. She has been receiving assistance from us since before the baby was born. We have lots of work to do, especially with educating our young people.

We need help getting our message out. We sent a request to every church in Queens to have an ongoing advertisement in their bulletins.

Results from recent research shows only 30 percent of women with crisis pregnancy feels that they can receive help from their churches! How sad is that?


Fresh Meadows

One thought on “A Bridge to Life

  1. The newborn dropped in the manger at Holy Child would have been a non story if that mother would have done what thousands of other women do every day and went to an abortion mill and had an abortion which may or may not have been funded by taxpayers. It should open everyone”s eyes that rather than give taxpayer money to organizations such as Planned Parenthood which advocate for abortion and reap the financial benefits from abortion, that the money should be given to organizations such as Bridge to Life, Expectant Mother Care, and other organizations which protect innocent lives. We must tell our elected officials this is where we want our money spend (or to use the Democratic term, invested).