Our Youth

Youth Views: Reflect upon the Sacraments

Stacy ZachariahStacy Zachariah
Archbishop Molloy H.S.

The sacraments are not just rituals that happen over the course of a lifetime. Sacraments help you understand that the Holy Spirit is there to guide you and help you along your path of strengthening your faith. It is not magic; you must put effort into your faith and welcome Jesus and the Holy Spirit with open arms.



Melody Roberts

Melody Roberts
Cristo Rey Brooklyn

Sacraments are an important part of following God. God wants us to live a life He would want us to live.




Joelle-TiradoJoelle Tirado
Archbishop Molloy H.S.

There is a lot of beauty in sacraments. Some people aren’t comfortable believing in God. The sacraments encourage people’s hope and faith in the meaning of life. There’s so much goodness and meaning in believing when you confess sins to a priest you are being unburdened of their weight, and when you get married that there is a bond between two people that is unbreakable.


Joanna RizzoJoanna Rizzo
Archbishop Molloy H.S.

The sacraments are a way to bring a Catholic closer to God. Whenever I receive the Eucharist or go to confession, I feel I am closer to my faith and strive to always live as the best person I can be. The sacraments fill the person who received it with God’s grace.