Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of August 3 & 10, 2024

Willie Mays: A Generous Gentleman

Dear Editor: As I entered the dining room at the country club on the morning of the annual St. Francis Hospital celebrity golf tournament in 1984, there he was sitting at a table with seven others telling baseball stories. It was the “Say Hey Kid,” Willie Mays. 

I approached and politely asked, “Mr. Mays, would you autograph my tournament program?” He put on a big smile, reached down into a plain paper shopping bag, pulled out a glossy 8×10 photo of himself at Giants spring training, took out his pen, and signed it in front of me and the whole table of awe-struck fans, “Best Wishes — Willie Mays.” 

I have it framed in my office for my patients to enjoy. It’s a great icebreaker. 

Thomas F. Livoti 

Riverhead, NY

Tribute to Father Peter Gillen 

Dear Editor: We deeply mourn with broken hearts the passing of our beloved Father Peter Gillen (Obituary, Page 15). Many say, “He was not just a good person. He was a good priest!” 

His zeal for the Sacred Heart and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament inspired & moved hundreds — maybe thousands — to draw closer to the Lord. 

He and three laymen founded in 2011 the 24-hour Adoration Chapel at Corpus Christi Church in Woodside. 

Their enthusiasm, energy, and fervent love for the Blessed Sacrament inspired devotees to sign up as guardians. It was amazing that the chapel was never without a Guard of Honor (as it ought to be) every hour for 24 hours, 12 months, 365 (or 366) days every year. 

He also used to gather young people around the exposed Blessed Sacrament and prayed fervently with them. He conducted stay-in retreats, which edified the retreatants. 

He also founded The Confraternity of the holy Eucharist, a private association of the faithful in the Brooklyn Diocese “for the express purpose of fostering a deep relationship with our eucharistic Lord through devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and commitment to Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist…” 

His homilies, tinged with humor, formed and informed, elevated the spirits, and motivated the listeners to strive every day to grow spiritually. 

He preached by word and example. Despite his serious health issues, he continued to carry on his duties as pastor with care and devotion. 

May the angels speed you to paradise, dear Father Peter. May the Lord meet and embrace you, saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” 

You may have left us but you will remain forever close in our hearts and minds. 

Estela Dayao-Portes 


 Thank You, Father Abels 

Dear Editor: We wish to thank our pastor, Father Kevin Abels of Our Lady of Angels Church for establishing a place to honor our Blessed Mother who appeared in 1859 to a Belgian woman, Adele Brise, near Green Bay, Wisconsin. 

The apparition was formally approved in 2010, by Bishop David L. Ricken, DD, DCL, becoming the first Marian apparition approved by the Catholic Church in the United States. He also approved a diocesan shrine in Champion, Wisconsin, recognizing its long history as a place of pilgrimage and prayer. 

On August 15, 2016, the U.S. Conference of Bishops designated this shrine as The National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion. 

The image of Our Lady of Champion was dedicated at Our Lady of Angels Church in May 2024, in recognition of the apparition and for the continued devotion to Our Lady. 

Michael and Patricia Cholewka 

Bay Ridge

What Is Happening to the Country? 

Dear Editor: The House of Representatives approved a measure on July 10, to require proof of citizenship when registering to vote. The bill was proposed to address the issue of non-citizens voting in federal elections. The vote for the bill passed with 216 Republicans and five Democrats voting aye, and 198 Democrats voting nay. We are old enough to know the right to vote was a privilege only of U.S. citizens and naturalized citizens. 

Yet, 198 supposedly American citizens seemed to want to flaunt the law for political purposes. But then they were just following the course of President Biden, who supposedly forgave student loans even though the Supreme Court judged his actions unconstitutional. 

Something to remember when you vote on Nov. 5th. Be vigilant and speak up! 

Thomas and Constance Dowd 

Oakland Gardens