
Cluster Mass Offers Thanks For Benedict XVI’s Papacy

by Ed Wilkinson

Women pray at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Windsor Terrace, during a special Mass of thanksgiving for the pontificate of Benedict XVI.
Women pray at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Windsor Terrace, during a special Mass of thanksgiving for the pontificate of Benedict XVI.

About 150 people showed up on Feb. 26 for a Mass of thanksgiving for the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Windsor Terrace.

Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto was the main celebrant of the liturgy that was sponsored by the local cluster of parishes.

At a Mass of thanksgiving at Immaculate Heart of Mary, the faithful were encouraged to pray for the cardinals who will elect the new pope.
At a Mass of thanksgiving at Immaculate Heart of Mary, the faithful were encouraged to pray for the cardinals who will elect the new pope.

Concelebrants included Msgr. Joseph Grimaldi, episcopal vicar for Brooklyn; Father Robert Adamo, pastor of Immaculate Heart; Father James Cunningham, pastor of Holy Name, Park Slope; and Father Francis Obu-Mends, in residence at IHM. Assisting at the altar were Deacons Jim Noble and John Cantirino of Immaculate Heart; Deacons John Devaney and Felipe Almendarez of Holy Name; and Deacon Marco Lopez, who served as master of ceremonies.

When Pope Benedict was elected eight years ago, Bishop Chappetto noted: “We wondered what he would be like, would he be accepted, could he be a pastor to the world?

“He did it. He became a wonderful pastor and shepherd of souls. He travelled the world, preaching about Jesus and writing about Jesus.”

priests process from the altar following Mass of thanksgiving for Benedict XVI.
priests process from the altar following Mass of thanksgiving for Benedict XVI.

Bishop Chappetto said that Benedict was the first pope he had ever met. He went to Rome shortly after he was ordained a bishop and personally thanked the pope.

“I told him that I wanted to thank him very much for naming me a bishop,” Bishop Chappetto said. “He only said three words, ‘God bless you.’ But his eyes spoke volumes. T

hey spoke to me about love, attention and compassion. I remember looking into his eyes and feeling like I was the most important person in the world to him at that moment.”

Bishop Chappetto concluded: “We look upon his pontificate with gratitude. He truly was a reflection of Jesus Christ to the world and to us as Catholics.”

After Mass, those in attendance were invited to choose a name of a cardinal from a basket and to pray for that prelate during the conclave that the Holy Spirit will inspire his choice for the next pope.