Letters to the Editor

Father Jorge Loved Saint Brigid’s Community

Dear Editor: My heart is heavy with sadness for this loss to our parish. Father Jorge loved Saint Brigid’s community (“Father Jorge Ortiz-Garay, First Catholic Priest in U.S. to Die of Coronavirus,” April 4).

His work went beyond the Mexican community. He managed to inspire the youth to join the youth groups and participate in the last two World Youth Days. He established the celebration of religious Ecuadorian feasts, he instilled in the hearts of the students of the Saint Brigid’s-Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Academy to strive to be a representation of God’s love and he did so much more.

We will forever be grateful for all that. he did for us and he will forever be in our hearts. We love you, Father Jorge! RIP,  Father Jorge.

Elfega Luis
