Letters to the Editor

A Modern-Day Herod?

Dear Editor: Andrew Cuomo has now joined the ranks of Herod and Pontius Pilate. That governor washed his hands of the murderous act the crowd was crying out for.

Mr. Cuomo threw a party in celebration of the new law he and his democratic henchman passed.

This modern-day holocaust is referred to as the Reproductive Healthcare Act. It allows mothers to have an abortion until the day of full-term pregnancy for any reason. The abortion does not have to be performed by a medical doctor. The name alone is hypocrisy; the law is not about reproduction it’s about killing full-term babies and calling it legal.

There is no such thing as being a little pregnant and there is no such thing as committing a little murder and calling it legal. Mr. Cuomo’s arrogance is astonishing. Read what this new law allows, it’s horrific in its scope. This is not aborting a faint heart beat or lump of flesh, this is allowing a full-term baby to be killed.

May God have mercy on you, Andrew. Protests and Right to Life Marches have not worked; use your God-given power of discernment in the voting booth, it’s the only way to get this abomination overturned.

I can’t imagine the horror of one full term baby being the victim of this perverted use of the law.


Babylon, L.I.



Dear Editor: It is said that the people get the kind of government they deserve. It is never more so true then the election of Andrew Cuomo and the Democrats in the State legislature. They both won by sweeping landslides including flocks of Catholic votes. Moreover, Cuomo and his like-minded cronies never made a secret of their contempt for the Catholic Church and their endorsement of abortion. Now Catholics are up in arms as if they did not have a choice at the polls.

