Partnering with NASA
Members from the Science Club at Bishop Kearney H.S., Bensonhurst, submitted five experiments to NASA’s Expulsion Challenge and were accepted!
The students were tasked to design and build objects that sink in water in normal gravity, but will be expelled as far as possible out of the water during free fall in NASA’s 2.2 Second Drop.
Club members will build their designs in the FabLab using the laser cutter to create ridges on the surfaces of their designs and the 3-D printer to make the plastic geometric figures using Tinkercad, an online 3D software, and send them to NASA for testing.
2018 March For Life
Join young people from all over the country during this year’s Youth Rally and Mass for Life Friday, Jan. 19 in Washington, D.C. They will be standing up to say #iStand4Life in music, fellowship and the communion of the holy liturgy, followed by the rally.
To attend the rally, you can secure a roundtrip seat on one of the diocesan buses – one leaves from Douglaston while the other bus departs from Prospect Park West. Contact Martha Hernandez, 718-281-9540.
Jeremiah Project
Join the monthly overnights and experience Christ through fraternity and prayer at the Jeremiah Project, Feb. 2-3, 5:30 p.m. Friday to 1 p.m. Saturday, at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston.
To register for the weekend, contact the diocesan Vocation Office: 718-827-2454.