Jenna Gonzalez, freshman
Bishop Kearney H.S.
Showing mercy to others as a sign of the goodness of God.
Johanna Sullivan, senior
Bishop Kearney H.S.
I’m observing the Year of Mercy by forgiving others for their actions. I am trying not to hold grudges but to forgive others.
Lucille Spata, freshman
Bishop Kearney H.S.
I am observing this Special Jubilee of Mercy by following God and trying to be as merciful as I can. I try to use my faith in action.
Jacqueline Gallagher, senior
Bishop Kearney H.S.
I’m observing this special jubilee by attending confession every month. This is very important because in order for us to get into heaven we must reconcile with God. This year of mercy is the perfect time to repair our relationship with God.