Letters to the Editor

Greatest Job in the World

Dear Editor: As the late Father James Dunne often told the story – when he was a teenager, he attended Cathedral Prep in Brooklyn and when the young men went to confession, they would have to identify themselves as seminarians. One summer there was a visiting priest at his parish of Good Shepherd. Going into confession, the teenaged Father Dunne identified himself as a seminarian and the priest told him of being a priest … “it’s the greatest job in the world!”

Shortly after Father Dunne’s 50th anniversary, he was in Maryland walking acrosss the campus of St. Mary’s Seminary when he ran into some young seminarians also walking across campus. After he stopped to talk to them, he finished by telling him after his own experience of 50 years of the priesthood – “It’s the greatest job in the world!”

Father James Dunne loved being a priest and he was a great priest. May he continue to enjoy his place in the Heavenly Liturgy.