International News

Vatican Media Aims to Spread the Word

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – A new papal commission is looking at how Vatican media outlets can better communicate the Church’s message “of healing, of love, of hope, and of generosity of spirit,” said the panel’s leader.

The group is drawing up “proposals that will recognize the particular importance of what the church is communicating and the way in which it can best communicate that message in the 21st century,” said British Lord Chris Patten, commission president.

Patten, who formerly served as chairman of the BBC Trust, chancellor at the University of Oxford and governor of Hong Kong, spoke to Vatican Radio Sept. 24 about the commission’s first meeting at the Vatican since it was established by Pope Francis in July.

Composed of 11 media experts from Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia and Vatican offices, the commission’s aim is to propose how the Vatican’s media outlets can work more efficiently and closely together.

“We have to make sure that the wonderful message the Catholic Church has to offer is offered in ways which get through to the young, to the poor, and to other groups in the most effective ways,” he said.