International News

These Blessed Women Lived Faithful Lives, And Some Helped Their Children to Be Saints

These Moms Were Truly Saints

WASHINGTON — The sheer nature of the 24/7 role of mothers would seem to put many of them in the sainthood category, but it turns out there are not a lot of saints who were mothers. The few mothers who have been recognized by the Church, though, stand out as strong examples of women who lived out their faith and helped their children to do the same, so much so that some of their children are also saints. That is the case with St. Zélie Martin, mother of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine.

The rest of this article can be found exclusively in the May 11 printed version of The Tablet. You can buy it at church for $1, or you can receive future editions of the paper in your mailbox at a discounted rate by subscribing hereThank you for supporting Catholic journalism.