Up Front and Personal

The Vital Role of Catholic Schools

by Chris Scharbach

While studying to be a teacher at St. John’s University I was told the story about a classroom filled with energetic third graders. The teacher, attempting to teach a lesson on the virtues of patience, delicately explained the concept when a curious young boy raised his hand, his eyes sparkling with innocence. 

“Teacher,” he said with a puzzled expression, “Does patience mean waiting for recess to start?” 

At the time I chuckled a little bit, yet as the years have gone on, little did I know that this seemingly whimsical moment would set the tone for the joys and surprises that awaited me in the world of Catholic education. 

As we come to the end of another successful Catholic Schools Week in the Diocese of Brooklyn and across the country, I reflect on the time I have spent in the embrace of Catholic education. In an ever-evolving world, the importance of Catholic schools remains as profound and relevant as ever. 

As I reflect on two decades of my career as a teacher, assistant principal, and principal in Catholic education, I am convinced that this journey has been more than just a profession — it has been a calling, a beacon of hope, and a testament to the enduring impact of a faith-infused education. 

Inspired by the teachings of St. Francis de Sales and the indelible legacy of my grandmother at Our Lady of Hope Parish, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of Catholic schools. 

St. Francis de Sales, a luminary in Catholic theology, once spoke words that are a guiding light for all Catholic school educators: “The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either he will shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it.” 

This wisdom serves as a guiding light, emphasizing the importance of faith in facing the challenges of our time. 

My journey in Catholic education began with the footsteps of my grandmother, whose commitment to teaching first grade at Our Lady of Hope Parish set the stage for my vocation. Her classroom was a sanctuary of love, faith, and learning, laying the foundation for the crucial role Catholic schools play in molding the hearts and minds of the next generation. 

One personal story that shows the importance of Catholic schools involves a former student of mine. This student came to our school and struggled with self-confidence and academic performance. 

Recognizing his potential, our school prioritized creating an environment that not only fostered academic growth but also nurtured his spiritual and emotional well-being. 

Through mentorship, individualized support, and integrating prayer into this child’s daily routine, this student’s trans- formation was remarkable. He not only excelled academically but also became an active participant in the school’s faith-based activities. 

Witnessing this student’s journey reinforced the belief that Catholic schools offer a unique platform to address the multifaceted needs of students, providing not only academic guidance but also moral and spiritual grounding. 

In the landscape of 2024, Catholic schools play a pivotal role in navigating the complexities of the modern world for out studnts. 

They provide a haven where values are not just taught but lived, where education is not merely a transfer of knowledge but a holistic journey of personal and spiritual development. 

The collaborative efforts of dedicated educators, religious men and women, parents, and communities within Catholic schools create an environment that fosters a sense of belonging and purpose. In a society often marked by uncertainty, Catholic schools offer a compass, grounding students in principles of compassion, justice, and integrity. 

As a teacher, assistant principal, and principal, I have seen the ripple effects of this holistic approach to education. 

It goes beyond preparing students for academic success; it equips them with the tools to navigate life’s challenges with resilience, empathy, and a deep-rooted sense of faith. 

The importance of Catholic schools in 2024 cannot be overstated. 

It is a realm where tradition meets innovation, faith intersects with knowledge, and the seeds of virtue are sown. 

My grandmother’s legacy and the teachings of St. Francis de Sales are constant reminders that in the ever-changing landscape of education, Catholic schools stand as beacons of light, shaping the future with a commitment to excellence, compassion, and faith.

Chris Scharbach is the principal at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy in Belle Harbor.